
Showing posts from 2013

MaxJsonLength exception

MaxJsonLength exception in ASP.NET MVC4 during JavascriptSerializer: Code: public ActionResult Index(){     var data = null  //give some large data e.g big list of values     var resultData = Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);     resultData.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;     return resultData; } Note: Then web.config setting is ignored by the default JsonResult implementation. So we might need to implement a custom Json Result or we can use the above code.

Enable Compatibility mode in IE

Introduction As there are new releases of IE(Internet Explorer) coming out regularly with new features and functionalities, it is not required for legacy page/site to support latest version of the browser. So, for this reason compatibility mode is been introduced in IE8 onwards. Problem I have an ASP.NET MVC web application, I want it to run in IE8 or IE9 compatiblity mode in IE10 as our client uses only IE8 or IE9 and we have IE10 in our work stations. Lets see how can we acheive this. Solution We can achieve this by setting the value of the compatiblity mode. Web page can specify compatibility mode either by using META tag or by setting the http header, note that META tag will take precedence over http header when both are present. Sol 1: META Tag- place the following code in head element of web page(html page) < meta http-equiv =" X-UA-Compatible" content =" IE=8, IE=9" / > it is not only applicable for IE but also for other browsers like chrome...

Get unique/distinct values from an array using JQuery $.grep and $.inArray

Consider an example of getting unique elments from an array a = [1,1,2,3,8,2] Array.prototype.unique = function(){     var array = this;     return array.filter(function(ele, index, arr){         return index == arr.indexOf(ele);     }); } and in our Javascript, var array = [1,1,2,3,8,2]; var uniqueElments = arrray.unique(); //Output will be 1,2,3,8 But the issue is few of the older version browsers including IE7 that doesn't support some array features - such as indexOf or filter, so we can use jquery functionalities like:     use $.grep instead of Array.filter The $.grep() method removes items from an array as necessary so that all remaining        items pass a provided test. The test is a function that is passed an array item and the index of the item within the array. Only if the test returns true will the item be in the resu...

ASP.NET MVC Custom HTML Helpers (C#)

In this article we will understand the different ways of creating custom helper method in ASP.NET MVC4 application. Though we have built-in html helpers like Html.ActionLink(), Html.TextBox() and many more, some times we may need to have custom helper methods for example Image or a block of html controls which is commonly used across the application like Address fields. Custom HTML Helpers make it easier to generate view content. We can create custom helpers in three ways: 1. with   Static Methods 2. with   Extension Methods 3. with   @helper   in the razor view. Let's understand how to implement the same. 1. Static Methods: In this approach we will create a static method and use that method in the view, here its is ImageStatic method which will return HtmlString. CustomHelper.cs: namespace HelperApplication.Helpers { public static class CustomHelpers { //Static method public static IHtmlString ImageStatic( string src, st...